Monday, November 10, 2008


i saw something in the sky about an hour ago.

something strange. something very very strange.
i had never seen anything like that before. honest to god.

i dont know what it was. but this is the closest to what i know i saw. and it wasnt just me, because my mom was the one who made me run into the kitchen to look out the window. she spotted it first.

i am 100% sure it wasnt a plane. there were no blinking lights.
and for god's sake, it was vertical. and thin. and white.

i dont think it was a kite.
it couldnt be. not that high up. not past midnight.

i am a huge skeptic but what the hell did i see.
cant believe my mom tried to make a wish like it was some shooting star.

i hope i'm bullshitting.


sh said...


it's the end of the world!

Seige said...

right? right? RIGHT?

sh said...

maybe? hmm.

hopefully you're just shortsighted.


Seige said...

thankyou. :)