Friday, August 13, 2010

13 August 2010

3 years ago today, i lost a friend.

wow. 3 years. how quickly time flies.

it is a strange feeling. it doesnt feel like a recent thing, but i can remember everything like it was yesterday. it is a memory that i've tried to block out, but that i can never do. never.

still, i have moved on with my life. i think we all have. and i believe that i've learnt to appreciate life a lot more over the past 3 years than i did before.

we only have one life to live, so live it, and live it right.

i still miss her.
i still miss you.

but i'd like to believe that she's happy wherever she is. yes. i'm sure you are. :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

from black to blue.

it's 6.34am and the sky is slowly turning blue. i'm guessing the sun is probably going to rise in 30 minutes or so.

yes, i am still up, but it's okay.

because i finally, FINALLY finished my campaign. FINALLY.

yes. i would like to jump up and down and do a cheer right now, but it's too early in the morning and everyone's still asleep. also, i should really go to bed right about now.

but before that,

okay, enough for now. one campaign down, one more to go.
just because i havent K.O.-ed doesnt mean that i am looking forward to this.
but oh well.

round two: fight.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


it's 3.40am, i'm up and i'm not youtubing. no.way.

school is really starting to take its toll on me. really. doesnt help that i've ran out of the miraculous pimple cream that my friend got me from malaysia. never knew what the brand really was, but never cared, because it got rid of my pimples GOOD.

look at my face now. it's a farm. with chickens.

but as much as i hate the current assignments and feel the urge to turn green and morph into the hulk on many occasions while i'm working on them, i dont hate school. on the contrary, school has been pretty fun for me since it started. maybe it's the teachers. maybe it's the people. maybe it's the course. maybe it is all of them. yes, i think so. it's all of them.

but look, assignment submissions and examinations in 2 weeks? not cool.

yes, i should get back to work now. oh wait, i think i just heard my stomach protesting. YOU'RE GONNA PROTEST NOW? AT THIS HOUR?!