Saturday, April 11, 2009

rebelling? repelling.

everyone identifies with sarcasm. i identify with it the most.

i've been typing and backspacing, typing and backspacing here for the last three minutes. it seems to have just hit me that blogging doesnt help like it did before anymore. i used to be able to express myself much more freely here in the past. yes. in the past.

why am i backspacing so much? i am backspacing alot.
there, i just did it again.

a stream of bad news just flowed in like the yellow river. i hadhave a million thoughts, but i cant bring myself to write it out or talk about it. i wonder. maybe i'm just lazy? a part of me doesnt want to because i'm tired of repeating the same thing i've just heard. i'm tired of re-thinking about it. it's all shiteous anyway. i dont know what the other part is.

oh look, apparently, i'm still thinking about it because i just mentioned it. just what i wanted. yay.

dammit. i need to blast some music and quit talking to myself in my head. stop talking to yourself in your head, you crazy bitch.


sh said...

hey babe, sorry we haven't been speaking much. hope everything's okay though?

and if it helps maybe you could take a certain issue to be like elmo for instance. then talk about how elmo sucks. haha. :X

please talk to me if there's anything on your mind! (:

Willow said...

Voices in my head battle all the time if I should blog too ..

I have a partner

Seige said...

sh> okay, elmo really sucks. :) thanks babe.

willow> hey.. welcome to the club. :)

cosmicdust said...

now you understand my silence, hopefully.