Friday, December 31, 2010

31 Dec 2010: tick.tock.

it is that time of the year again.

my top 5 highlights of 2010 (like it concerns you):

5) school: starting school again after a hiatus of nearly 2 years, and making lots of new friends along the way. gotta love meeting new people.

4) merry christmas and happy birthday: the tradition that returned, the tree that finally appeared in my living room, and the little birthday surprise that anna and marc pulled on me. plus a little video message from my youtube idol. *cough* happy birthday to me, indeed. :)

3) Shanghai: it was the first time everyone in my family flew on a plane together after 15 years. yes, fifteen. sure, the flights were filled with turbulences and clogged up toilets, and plane food didn't fascinate me that much anymore, but dammit, we had a whale of a time, alright.

2) Green Day Live in Singapore: okay, possibly one of the best concerts that i had ever been to in my life. for real. Kelly Clarkson's was awesome too, but Green Day killed it for me. killlled it.

1) moved: what else can i say? i love my new crib. :)

so this spells the end of 2010(well technically, there're slightly more than 6 hours to go, but anyway) and i must say it has been a fairly good year for me.

with Michael Buble, Oklahoma(this is the part where Billy Gilman comes in) and graduation coming up, i hope 2011 will be a pretty good year as well. better? sure. who's complaining?

this is me trying to ignore the fact that graduation means having to look for a job which also means ohcrapimintrouble.

happy new year, everybody. :)


sh said...

i think it's tiktok, but i could be wrong. :p

yay to a great year, hope this year's even better :)

Willow said...

Happy New Year :)

hope you keep blogging


Seige said...

sh> i hope! :)

willow> happy new year! i'll try to get my lazy self to do so more :)