Thursday, February 24, 2011

24 Feb 2011: The Panic Room

i have a problem. i panic easily.

i'm not talking about the kind of panic you feel at the last minute when you realised that you had forgotten to do something that was due in two days (you asked for it), or the kind you feel when you realised that you might have forgotten to turn the stove off before going out(yeah you should probably panic), but the kind you feel when a whole chunk of information is suddenly being thrown in your face and you suddenly feel overwhelmed. yes, that kind of panic.

i always tell people to try to take it easy whenever something happens (and i sincerely mean it when i tell them that), but i've never been able to tell myself to do so before i switch to panic mode. i know i'm not a perfectionist for sure, but whenever something crops up, it's a million thoughts interlinking in my head straightaway; starting from the "oh shits" to the "what ifs", and ending with a curse at the situation. no, not an expecto patronum curse, but a cuss that rhymes with "no duck". how uncalled for.

now i've heard that panicking may be a good thing sometimes because it pushes you to start doing whatever you need to do that will solve the problem. but over-panicking can be a big pain in the arse head sometimes, because then you start piling on the unneccessary stress that you know you can prevent. make that most of the time.

maybe it's just me. maybe i like being comfortable too much.

i refuse to be that weak.

afterall, coldplay says, "we live in a beautiful world. yeah we do, yeah we do."


sh said...

NO DUCK?!?!!?! you just made my week! Hahahahahahahahhaa

Take it easy. When I panic (which is often) I'll think to myself, what would French-me do? And then I'm usually trying to calm down and find a balance of sanity again. :)

Bad example but take it as an analogy! Hahahaha otherwise, yell out CUT THE DUCK!!!

Seige said...

yes, i should have a "what would superseige do?" mode too. but then i might end up flipping tables. risky. lol.

yeah, i'll usually try to calm myself down after that because most of the time, it's not really worth the panic. i just wish i could calm myself down BEFORE i even panic. haha. i guess that's pretty impossible.

if all else fails, CUT THE DUCK. hahah