Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I'll Be There For You

i just watched the last episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S Season 10 and it's gotten me all sad again.

yes, it was a re-run. yes, i watched the entire re-run of F.R.I.E.N.D.S from season 1 to 10 on Star World. just like i watched the entire original series on Channel 5. but back then, i was comforted by the thought that Star World would still be showing the sitcom. so there, i had it. i knew weekdays got me bad, but i knew that 11 pm every night would somehow find a way to make me feel better. every weeknight.

it's so amazing, because i even managed to get someone who started out not being able to tell "Chandler" and "Joey" apart to turn into someone who reminded me that, "There's F.R.I.E.N.D.S tonight." My Mom. i got her to watch one episode, and she then followed the next, and the next, and the next...all the way till the end. she LOVED the show. she even safely tells me now that her favourite character would have to be "Phoebe". yay mom, me too!

okay, so i know this is a crappy post, but i really think i should give credit to the show that is partly the reason why i'm still not taking anti-depressant pills now.

OKAY, I'M A HUGE FAN. hell, i even got them on my desktop wallpaper, so sue me! :D

Sunday nights, that's all i got now. good thing it's the holidays.

ps: i can't believe i didnt watch "LOST" when it was shown on channel 5. it's darn good.

pps: uh-oh. i think we're all witnessing a serious case of the overprocessed-tv syndrome. i've cross over to the far end now. the extreme end.


Saturday, February 25, 2006

They all Suck.

this episode on Oprah the other day talked about this tragic story of a college girl who slowly planned her suicide and her frequent visits of a website that had encouraged her to do it while she was alive, contemplating it.

ProChoice- that was what that website was called.

apparently, Pro Choice is a website that tells people different ways of committing suicides. the different types of pills, the different styles, how to make suicide less painful; stuffs like that. postings were left on the site by different people on their ideas on suicide, and one of them wished the girl good luck on her attempt.

the thought of this makes me want to hurl. what do i think of this? i think this is sick. i think the idea of a site like this is disgusting, sickening, and just unacceptable. why would anyone want to set up such a website? why HAS IT BEEN set up? why is suicide ENCOURAGED? WHY? of all the things we can do in the world, of all the things we can encourage in the world...SUICIDE? is that it?

i didnt know the existence of such a website. in fact, i think there are plenty more around. okay, so it's called Pro Choice. which means... what? telling the people who're thinking of ending their lives, that suicide might just be the right thing for them?!

and leaving comments on top. "i hope your plan works for you. good luck."
that purely disgusts me. it just sickens me to think that there are people out there who thinks it is okay to encourage another person to end his/her life.

suicide has become such a common thing in today's world, it's scary. i'm sure everyone has thought about it. i'm sure there're times in your life when you feel your lowest, and you think to yourself," maybe i should just end it once and for all." Or maybe just a random thought? "what happens if i end my life? will it hurt? what will i become?"

no? well, i can say i have. but so what? it's just a thought. i dont contemplate on doing it. that's a different thing. i DONT encourage it. that's the main thing. i cant say much because i'm a girl of no power at all, but i think sites like this sould be shut down. period.

ANYWAY, onto unimportant issues(concerning me.heh.). i was at the cinema today and this group of chinese speaking teenage boys sat behind us.(i know you're going, "here she goes again!" *dreads* sorry. :)) now because a few of their girl-friends( or female friends as i should say) were sitting in front(next to me), they started kicking their chairs for fun, and for some reason, they probably thought that it was fun to kick mine too. i had to turn and stare at them before one of them realised that, "OH. THAT'S A STRANGER. AND MOMMY SAYS NEVER TO KICK A STRANGER'S CHAIR. HOW VERY DEEPLY STUPID I AM."

throughout the whole movie, they were shouting, playing their ringtones out loudly, making fun of their girl friends in front, scolding vulgraities in hokkien and chinese, and oh, the boy behind me was pissed off because those foreign teenagers behind him kept kicking his chair. OH, so YOU can kick my chair, but they cant kick your chair. HMMM. i see.

this KID just kept scolding out loudly in hokkien and chinese (to his friends). "si ang moh" was what he said. DUDE, really, if you really, so dearly, reeeaaally really want to be *sigh*, an "Ah Beng", then act like a real one. tell them off to their faces. which means, inENGLISH. no? cant do it? sorry, i guess you've failed then.

when the lights came on after the movie was over, i realised that a couple of those boys were shorter than me. SHORTER than me. that shows how young they are. because i aint tall. so let me guess. they're probably...primary 6 to sec 2. and yet all that profanities. i can understand that people use them when they're pissed...but when they just want to think that they're, well, "cool"?

why do kids want to be gangsters nowadays? is it the in thing? they REALLY think it'll make them cooler if they yell bad words in public? *laughs* Such losers.

such a turn off.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

School 101 Holiday 101

school's out! party time, party people. get your asses off the couch and let's go CLUBBING! WHEEEEEE. that is like oh my god, sooo freakin' awesome. maybe we can even drink more than we usually do! :O like, how cool is that? woot!

rrright. like that's what i'm gonna do. *laughs* me? club? *laughs*

i'm pretty much a free person now, with my final exams done and everything. of course, i still have to wait for the results, which will come in the SMS of Doom like last semester. i'm not kidding. it's scary. i do not wish to take supp papers. i do not wish to take supp papers. i do not wish to take supp papers...

i cant believe Year 1 is over. i DO want to get out of year 1 but, i dont wanna be in Year 2. because it means more work, tougher subjects, more stress, and *grotesquely*, more Java. sorry, i just vomitted a little in my mouth.

although... it does feel good to know that i'm gonna be a student in Year 2! hah.

i'm always contradicting myself. i should be a poet.

so i'll probably take a break or so, or maybe look for a job or something. i don't know. haven't made plans on how to spend my holidays. or maybe i'll just snuggle up under my warm blankie and sit in front of the tv for the next two months. and die of heat stroke. 'least i died in front of the tv.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

School 101

my last day of school is over. well, technically.

Next week's study week, which means stay at home and put on ear muffs so that the tv wont talk to me or go to the school library to actually get some work done. i don't know. it's a tough decision to make.

anyway, the following week will be my final examinations week. 3 papers, in 2 days. 3 papers...in 2 days. i know that's good. i also happen to know that's bad. Good because i'll finish my exams earlier, but BOO. that means lesser time to study.

my BNT(Basic Networking Technologies) paper happens to be 3 hours long. 3 WHOLE HOURS! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO FOR 3 HOURS?! here's the thing. i predict i'll finish the paper in an hour or so- because i won't know how to do alot of the questions- and then i'll sit there on my chair, stare at the paper, pray that the answers to questions B2, B4, C1, C2, C3 and more will enter my brains and at the same time, try my hardest to resist the temptations of falling asleep.


i cant wait for the 21st of Feb. After my maths paper, i'm officially done with SCHOOL. okay Year 1...unless i have to take a sub paper (which i'm extremely afraid will happen) or maybe somehow, i just wont seem to be able to pass Year 1. that will be a different story.

okay, i shall have no bad thoughts for now. maybe i'll get my eyes off the tv and computer and start some studying now. alright. but not before i gorge on some lovely Cadbury chocolates first.

Sunday, February 5, 2006

Bon Voyage

this morning was precious.

one of my dearest friends was leaving for Australia so we went to the airport to send her off. i overslept. i can't believe i did that. i was always foolishly early and yet at such an important day, i actually overslept. thankfully, i still got there in time to get ready to send her off(thanks to mom!).

7 years. that's long. that's really long. cos in 7 years we'll all be 25. we'll be real adults. it'll be the primetime of our lives. some of us might even be married. who knows? but at least she's gonna be able to do what she likes. that's good.

i'm gonna miss her, but 's ok...cos i'll visit her in 4 years! it's a pact my friends and i made. i really look forward to that day. i do hope the pact's still on by then though.

on to Chinese New Year. my family went to Johor on the 1st night. you know, to kind of escape Singapore. to take a break. to just get out of the country for a day. and believe me, it was worth it. sure, we stayed in a screwed up hotel but it still felt good to be away from all that stressful environment for a while. a night.
i've never seen my mom enjoy herself that much in a while. Black Jack. the key to happiness. hah.

there was karaoke-ing on the 2nd night. i'm just gonna leave out the details on that. mmhmm.

so okay. recently, i've been on the computer till mornings like 2am to do my projects. thus it gave me the opportunity to be crazy and talk stupid. well, i did. ask my friend. late night conversations-they're stupid... and so very entertaining. heh.

i met my future cousin-in-law today. he had a very strong english accent. WELL, he is technically "English". *gasp* i never thought i'd get the chance to say that. awesome. my cousin looked really happy. she didnt have to say it, but i'm sure everyone could see that she was glowing. sh-weet. that means another wedding coming up.

i love attending weddings. have i ever mentioned that? i love weddings. :)

i've completed a few stuffs but feels like i've still got plenty to do. French speaking test. ugh. BNT Lab Test. argh. Java project. *pukes* oh.i DO have plenty more to do...

author's note: did i mention that i left my java lab exercises and the project worksheet in the free access lab i used on Saturday? i.am.a.freaking.absent.minded.hobbit. i hope it's still there tomorrow. Would anyone like to use my brains for some scientific experiment?