Tuesday, February 21, 2006

School 101 Holiday 101

school's out! party time, party people. get your asses off the couch and let's go CLUBBING! WHEEEEEE. that is like oh my god, sooo freakin' awesome. maybe we can even drink more than we usually do! :O like, how cool is that? woot!

rrright. like that's what i'm gonna do. *laughs* me? club? *laughs*

i'm pretty much a free person now, with my final exams done and everything. of course, i still have to wait for the results, which will come in the SMS of Doom like last semester. i'm not kidding. it's scary. i do not wish to take supp papers. i do not wish to take supp papers. i do not wish to take supp papers...

i cant believe Year 1 is over. i DO want to get out of year 1 but, i dont wanna be in Year 2. because it means more work, tougher subjects, more stress, and *grotesquely*, more Java. sorry, i just vomitted a little in my mouth.

although... it does feel good to know that i'm gonna be a student in Year 2! hah.

i'm always contradicting myself. i should be a poet.

so i'll probably take a break or so, or maybe look for a job or something. i don't know. haven't made plans on how to spend my holidays. or maybe i'll just snuggle up under my warm blankie and sit in front of the tv for the next two months. and die of heat stroke. 'least i died in front of the tv.


sh said...

i'm always contradicting myself. i should be a poet.

what does THAT mean. im an aspiring poet and i don't contradict myself! :p

if you hire me and pay me handsomely, i'll design your coffin like a tv, so you get burried with a tv. HOW COOL IS THAT? quick, hire me!

and can i have your cds and stuff after you die? :p

IM KIDDING. go take some workout lesson or something! :p

A pEaCeFuL LiFe ____*// said...

song lah...sian i one more paper than u drag for one week..kns!!! I wan holiday...eh seige...after ma exams let go hankie pankie b4 wed okok?

Darcho said...

hey ger.. since when u like clubbing.. if so we shld go some dae k... =) n oso k box nae.. lol.. hmmm... good for u to finish paper so soon.. me!! 3 more to go... *sigh* poor me.. lol..

=) jus wait for me n soon meet u up k. =)

tke care ger n c u soon!


ja said...


A pEaCeFuL LiFe ____*// said...

sian 1/2 sia...one more paper nia...but drag next mon!!! >.< Kns...damn boring sia...seige...u sure u club?? lol...errr...mmm...ok...lol

jean said...

woo hoo~ exams over!! u will go club? u nv even drink beer =X hahaha!! hols also quite sian lah

Seige said...

oh my god PEOPLE! sense the SARCASM!

I HATE CLUBBING! and i am serious.

that was a whole paragraph of sarcasm! u mean it wasnt obvious enough? :o i'm a failed writer. -shakes head sadly-

anna- u're hired! i just bought Franz Ferdinand's album! u get a new one to add to the collection. :P