Thursday, August 24, 2006


it's funny how i normally have the patience to wait for someone for an hour and yet, not have any to wait for a webpage to load.

it's even funnier when i dont have the patience to wait for the next bus to come(because it takes 20-25 mins) and walk home from school, which will take me 45 minutes.

i think it'll be funniest when the strap on my slipper snaps right when i reach the bus-stop in front of my block.

no it didnt just happen.


ja said...

weird is good :)

Seige said...

45 minutes!

ja said...

haha well true that it's really much much wait for bus 20 to 25 minutes than u take the bus reach your house bus stop around 30 to 35 or 40 minutes..sums up, quite the same right?
i can walk for hours on the streets doing basically nothing :D