Saturday, November 17, 2007


last night, i had an epiphany.

it all came about when i came to a realization that everyone around me wasis doing really well in their lives. i do mean really well. and that's where i got to thinking.

then, i realised.

i've come to a point in my life where i'm not going to sit around and feel sorry for myself anymore. no more moping. no more asking why others have that high level of intelligence that i might not have. no more feeling that i'm not good enough for my family. no more. i'll have none of that.

because i've come to realise, that life has been set out for everyone differently.

so hit me hard. because now i know. i know that you dont have to excel in school to become someone great. i know that when life gives you lemons, you squeeze the damn thing in someone's eye, and you make your own iced-milo. and that's just what i'm going to do. hell yeah.

i'm getting my sorry ass off this sad chair once i graduate and i'm going out there to find something and do it with all my heart and try my hardest to excel in it. yes.

a doctor saves a life. a salesperson makes a customer satisfied. a chef whips up a good meal. a volunteer cleans up an old folks home. you may think otherwise but i think in a way, they're all equally great.

so what matters most?

to me, that sense of satisfaction you feel at the end of the day. when you know you've done something that you can be proud of. could be anything. it doesnt matter.

just make a damn good cup of iced-milo.

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norrbu said...

I'm pretty sure you'll do well. Good luck anyway.

sh said...

did you say feel like you werent good enough for your family?? *slaps seige!* why on earth would you feel that! huh huh huh!

glad you had that brilliant epiphany. :)

that's one yummy cup of iced milo btw. OH OH. xmas eve coffee coming up! :D

Seige said...

norrbu> thanks!

anna> haha well. now i know i'm not "not good enough". i'm just different. :)


sh said...


and i've bought your gift! *BEAMS* under 3bucks, she says! :D i kept to it!

cosmicdust said...

everyone must be looking at you and thinking, 'now seige's better than me living a better life...always!' hah! :)

Seige said...

anna> lol so fast. under 3 bucks! woot. :) i'll be searching.

cine> :) well everyone else who's having a hard time just needs an epiphany! haha