Friday, February 22, 2008

a bird affair.

the birds are getting braver. without a doubt.

by the minute. by the second. as we speak.

over the past few months, birds have been flying into my kitchen to pinch food, or what they think is food, from the dustbins to the toaster, and then leaving their trademark poop all over the table and floor, as if to mock us.

yesterday, i had to dash back to my seat after seeing one of them sink its beak into my untouched mee siam. i had to get a new one (which the mee siam auntie charged 10 cents lesser after hearing my plight. bless her).

"the birds are getting braver," i told her.

"of course. they've been here for very long. they took a course also," she replied.

we have an entire park dedicated to those birds. cant they all just hang out there instead? maybe they think they're too cool for school. i cant believe i just said that.

those little, feathered punks.

you know, Catwoman had a special affliation with cats even before she became Catwoman.

i wonder...


sh said...

they've been coming into my kitchen too!!!

stupid young punks. feathery punks.

Seige said...

them ghetto birds think that they're so cool. pooping all over the place.

going all, "in your face, suckers!"

stupid poop.