Monday, October 13, 2008

the pimple.

ever get the feeling sometimes where, you're in a conversation with someone, and that person seems to be talking to you, but is really talking to the pimple on your face instead?

like how they pretend to be listening to what you have to say, when in their heads, they're actually going, "if only i could just...just...oh i wanna squeeze that thing so badly." so when they nod, dont be mistaken. they're not actually agreeing with what you're saying. instead, they're nodding in approval to the image of the zit being squeezed by their own hands.

yes, something like that.

it's almost like, "oh please, no one cares about what you have to say. we'd much rather talk to that prominent landmark on your face." you know, sometimes, you wish you could say, "hellooo. eyes up here please."

but then the big-chested ladies are already using that one.

and so your mother tells you not to squeeze it or it'll leave a scar. but if you dont, that's who (or what, rather) people are going to talk to over the next few days.

the best solution? i havent figured that one out.

perhaps a brown paper bag.
that's right. subtle.


sh said...

squeeze it once it's got a white head. =\

but dont squeeze till it bleeds. :P

Seige said...

did the former and the latter happened. hahaha.