Monday, October 27, 2008

stopping by.

i know i havent been blogging for a while.

honestly, i think i kinda lost the will to for a bit. and yes, i believe that work has everything to do with it. the truth of the matter is, working has deprived me from alot of things. and no, it's not going out. on the contrary, it's my time at home.

i am -and everyone who knows me to bits knows this- an extremely homely person. and my home, my room, is my sanctuary. i mean, i could die on my bed. i could. i hope to.

a long, hard day at work would mean staring at the computer for 8 hours and 45 mins. also, about 75% of my brain cells are being destroyed by the end of the day. i come home tired. with that little bit of energy. almost, but not completely, burnt. i read up on celebrities screwing their lives up. i'm not proud of that, but at least i know my life aint that bad at all. i crash on my bed. it's daytime. back to work.

but work is work. i like getting paid.

you see, i only write for one purpose. to express myself. to let things out because it always makes me feel better. it doesnt matter if anyone even reads it. i like talking to myself. and hugging my bolster. which is also why sometimes my words dont make sense. because i write as the words come to my head. they have no relation, but that's it. i am as random as it gets.

find me my will.


sh said...

i like reading what you write though!

thoroughly entertaining!

Seige said...

thanks babe. :)