Wednesday, September 13, 2006

even though i knew this was coming, it's still hugely disappointing.

i have to take a supp paper for networking.

the feeling stinks. this wreaks. this really sucks. and i know it's all my own fault. nice work, seige, for screwing up the subject that you've chosen as your elective. nice work.

what have i done to myself?

something johnny said on The O.C. last night keeps ringing in my head. i'm just going to have to study my ass off 2 weeks.


ja said... shouldnt blame yourself..
anyway best of luck! it will be over very quick..time passes real fast ;)

Darcho said...

tot u said ur results out tml??? anyway, dun be sad bout it.. its gonna be over pretty soon.. in the meanwhile, jia you! i noe u can do it girl! all the best!

sh said...

seigey i know who johnny is! ive watched him for a few episodes but his name didnt register in my head. hehehh

Seige said...

yea i know time will past quickly. i'm just worried that i will fail this supp paper. it emans retaking this subject another sem. so dead.

anna> yeaaaaaaaah.