Sunday, September 24, 2006

Nonsense and Reminiscence

Yo Momma is one of the shows that i've watched with one of the most retarded concepts ever. funny, i shall admit, but nonsensical. it's a show where two people trashtalk about each other. you know, the "yo' momma's so fat people jog around her for exercise" talk. and the one who out-trashes the other wins. $1000. CASH. and other little prizes as well.

either america's too darn rich, or the money's coming out of wilmer valderama's own pockets and he likes giving out money. you know what? i suggest everyone on holiday stop looking for a part-time job. YO MOMMA's the right place for you. you get to insult someone else, not get beaten up, and win CASH too. what're you waiting for?

SO ANYWAY, someone new added me on msn today. i didnt recognise the email add, and i couldnt see the avatar very clearly, so i had no clue who that was. and then this person said,



"you know who i am anot?"

only one person calls me that. (ok, maybe 2, but the other's on my list already.)

i replied, "are you a quek?"

of course she was. my primary school classmate.

yeah. that's how we talk. and yes, i used to be called "TeoTeo". it was nice catching up with her since i havent seen her in a while even though she lives just a few blocks away from me.

which reminds me. mom mentioned about some holiday next week and i couldnt think of any reason for it, until she reminded me it was Children's Day. wow. it's been 6 years already.


sh said...

wow. don't we all feel old.

pri sch mate! how cute. :D reconcilation!

Seige said...

we're almost 2 decades old.

it was lanetar. hahaha

sh said...

lanetar OMG. i totally remember lanetar. who was your badminton partner? OMG pei yin? eh no. MEIYIN! OMGGGG. my memory rocks.

dear god. 2 decades is like. OLD.