Sunday, May 20, 2007

"hello, 9-1-1?"

the school has signed our project up for some IT shitJavaJive competition.

our untouched, unimproved, undeveloped, exploited project.

i dont know about my 2 other group mates, but there's a current state of panic and confusion and a high chance of over-hyperventilation on my part.

nothing, i mean, NOTHING, has been done successfully. nothing has worked yet. and to complete this in one month? yes, my teacher has every right to be worried. i am aware of how near the edge i'm standing right now, i promise you on this one.

i do not want to fail.
not with all those pairs of watchful eyes around me. not when they're all rooting for me to fail in their dirty little circle.

so why does it feel like i dont have much of a choice now?

state emergency.

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