Friday, September 21, 2007

The Daughtry Experience (20 Sept 2007)

they came.

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and i was there. :)

so Daughtry came. and thanks to anna's friend(melvin) who had extra tickets, we(anna, keith, and i) managed to go for the exclusive showcase as well. St James Power Station. now who would've thought that my first time at a club would actually be at St James? and that i was really only there to catch a live gig? heh.

funniest thing i heard while inside the bar.
"some guy called Chris Daughtry performing. i dont know who he is laah."
some dude on the phone.

the gig turned out to be pretty awesome to me. it was, in a way, more acoustic and toned-down, even though i still thought that it was kinda electrifying. one thing's for sure, Chris had great vocals and it showed. in other words, it was live and it rocked so that's all that matters to me.

i only have 2 complains to make about the show.
1) i wished they had performed my favourite song, "Used To".
2) i wished they had thrown some picks over to OUR SIDE! aww come on you guys! i lost TWO of mine! pfft.

so anyway, i tried taking pictures but all i had was a camera phone against what i call "gig-lights", a.k.a. coloured lights, so the pictures turned out looking, uh, "photoshopped". my bad.

we were standing by the side of the stage, so in one way, we were pretty close to it but the guitarist blocked my view of Chris.

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just an idea of what the rest of the crowd looked like.

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shaking fans with the fans infrontofthem.

okok. at least the super pumped-up drummer(Joey Barnes) was facing us. and the bassist and Chris did wave to the us. so i'll let that pass. besides, the drummer with his crazy drumming, in his fitting yellow shirt and flip flops? hot. :)

oh. and just to prove that they were drinking in the middle of performances.
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and by drinking, i meant BOTH water and beer. how very "rock-star-like."

i took some videos too. dont mind the bad quality(i TOLD YA i was using a camera phone. plenty of good videos on youtube!) and um, the shaking. my hand was raised thiiiiiiis high. oh come on, you guys. that's what happens to vertically-challenged people at gigs.

It's Not Over


Over You

just so you wondering what he was saying in the middle of that song, he said, "hey, can we do it again? i didnt realise you knew it that well so let's do it as loud as you can alright?"

okay. guilty of light headbanging. and swaying. and cheering. and singing. oh, and shit guilty of doing the "rock" sign with my hands in the air a couple of times.

i'm going home.


sh said...

my hand was raised thiiiiiiis high. oh come on, you guys. that's what happens to vertically-challenged people at gigs.


Seige said...

vertically challenged. :)