Tuesday, October 2, 2007

something must've knocked me in the head.

had a great 2-hour long conversation last night. with my dad. uh-huh, i know. strangely enough, it was something new for me, i would say. but it was great. and i enjoyed it.

something my dad said last night.
"life is full of obstacles. but you dont see an obstacle in front of you and give up. dont give up on life. you just have to learn how to overcome it and everything else will fall into place."

mm. inspirational.
someone should sell it on those inspirational cards at Popular or something.
these are just the words that you try not to forget in life.

um, moving on before my words get too weird around here.

alright. moving on. i've decided to go to Australia for a break after graduation next year. that's right. a post-graduation trip. my friends might, or might not join me, but it doesnt quite matter because i had planned to travel there alone initially anyway. besides, i'll get to visit my friend who's studying there now and who i miss dearly(she'll be here next chinese new year though. cant wait!).

sure, it'll burn a hole in my bank book(ack). but i think it's a sacrifice worth making. and yes, i'll be there on a budget. then again, it wont matter because i dont intend to be there to really shop around but more to just kick back and relax. just a break that i think i'll deserve by next year.

mom said 'yes' but i could tell that she's hesitant. worried. makes sense because i havent sat in a plane for um, 12 years, and i told her that i'd be going there alone. so when i told her that my friends might come along, she smiled slightly more naturally. haha. um, we'll save the conversation of how i'm going to be fine alone(if i'm flying solo) for her when the time draws near. heh. dad's 100% supportive and he even started helping me with some plans as to where to go and what to do.

the only tiny, little thing that's standing in the way of me and my great escape, is whether i'll be able to graduate by April'08 or not. *cough* there. just a tiny problem. uh-huh.

anyway, i guess, after losing someone so recently, i've decided to try as hard as possible to fulfil other aspects of my life. the little things that i've always wanted to do. sure, school is pretty much making my life a lot harder but i've decided to try as hard as possible to make it the only bad thing in my life from now on. that's right. i'm going to try to live happy. and i'm not just saying it. i'm really going to try that. for myself. *enlightened*

pass the mourning.
over the grieving.
still wondering,
and not forgetting.
but moving on.

random fact: did you know that the possibility of dying because your plane crashed is much lesser than the possibility of dying from a car crash on your way to the airport? indeed. just thought that you might wanna know. now go freak out. in one way or another. heh.


sh said...


ha! bet ya didnt think of that!

*beams with pride*

cosmicdust said...

haha, annz...nice observation...or take a train :)

mmm...wisdom of the father...escapist plan of the daughter...

anyway, u must graduate by april 08...and go down under...:)

best wishes...:)

Seige said...

anna> haha nice one! but i think it's emphasized more on whether you will die in a plane crash on while on your way to the airport. lol. that means a bus too. or a cab. haha.

but, but.. nice one there!
beam with your pride! :D

cine> oh yeah, a train, that's pretty safe. have never heard of any news about an mrt crashing in singapore before, come to think about it.

and yep, i shall try my best to graduate by april because i'm so going to make this trip. heh. you just wait, australia. YOUJUSTWAIT.

thanks for the wishes! :)