Friday, October 26, 2007


*clears mind of useful braincells*

Questions To Die For

[Layer One: On the Outside]
Name: Swee Hoon
Birth Date: 27 December 1988
Current Status: single
Eye Color: black
Hair Color: brownish-black
Righty or Lefty: righty

[Layer Two: On the Inside]
Your Heritage: um, dad's parents were from Suatao(China), where the pure teochews reside. mom's dad was from Hainan Island(China), where... well, the pure hainanese reside. and oh, according to my mom, my great-grandmother was a peranakan.
Your Fear: small spaces. the big unknown. crowds. dolls. wax statues. portraits of women from the 1920s era, dressed in cheongsams. *shudder*
Your Weakness: i dont open up to people alot. java. tv. chocolates.
Your Perfect Pizza: CHEESE. pure cheese. mmmm...mama mia.

[Layer Three: Yesterday, Today , Tomorrow]
Your First Thought This Morning: 5 more minutes.
Your Last Thought Before Bedtime: 5 more minutes.
Your Most Missed Memories: probably australia 1997. and the stupid things my friends and i have done in the past.

[Layer Four: Your Pick]
Pepsi or Coke: coke light.
McDonald or Burger King: hmm. mcdonalds. sliiightly healthier choices? *cough*
Single or Group Dates: single dates, baby!
Adidas or Nike: "impossible is nothing". adidas.
Tea or Nestea: what's the difference?
Chocolate or Vanilla: hiii. chocolate. come to momma.
Cappuccino or Coffee: hmm. cappucino.

[Layer Five: Do You...]
Smoke: never.
Curse: i'm uh, trying to cut down on it. ohm.
Take showers: everyday.
Think you are in love: not really.

[Layer Six: In the Past Month]
Drank alcohol: nope.
Gone to the mall: just a few hours ago, in fact.
Been on stage: nope.
Eaten sushi: dont eat sushi. unfortunately. heh.
Dyed your hair: nope.

[Layer Seven: Have You Ever...]
Played a stripping game: i'd rather play boggle.
Changed who you were to fit in: no. stay true to yourself, everyone!

[Layer Eight: Age]
You are hoping to be married at the age of: 26? 27? probably around there.

[Layer Nine: In a Girl/Guy]
Best Eye Color: brown.
Best Hair Color: black. or dark brown.
Short Hair or Long Hair: wait, is this question about how i think a girl should look or how i think the right guy should look? because it doesnt matter what length it is for the former to me, but it's definitely short for the latter. or maybe bald. that's kinda cool.

[Layer Ten: What Were You Doing]
1 Min Ago: this. yes, this.
1 Hour Ago: watching grey's anatomy.
4.5 Hours Ago: drinking iced lemon tea at mos burger.
1 Month Ago: swimming in the bahamas. i mean, visiting mausoleums in london. okay fine. serving my jailterm working on my stale(and still on-going) project.
1 Year Ago: probably hoping that i wouldnt get some shit project for S.I.P. (well you didnt pray hard enough, SEIGE! damn you, girl. damn you.)

[Layer Eleven: Finish the Sentence]
I Love: tuna (chicken of the sea). burrrp. excuse me.

I would like to tag this to...
anyone who wants to do it. :)
or um, anyone who loves waffles.

wow. i am sleepy.


cosmicdust said...

i'm doing this :)

Seige said...

have fun!