Friday, December 28, 2007


a pretty huge fire broke out at the dumpster downstairs early yesterday morning. around 3.10am, my dad came into my room to tell me(because only both of us were awake) that he had called the police. that was when i realised that the burning smell that i had been smelling for the past 3 minutes was actually coming from a real fire (i have the tendency to smell burning stuffs even when there's nothing on fire).

it took two fire engines to completely put out the fire. it was about 3.45am by then. the smell was just bad. we had to shut all our windows even when we're on the twelfth storey. the craziest part of the whole thing, was probably that almost everyone else around was asleep. and at that timing, there's really nothing wrong with that. nonetheless, i am quite glad that i got to see the whole thing. it was pretty amazing. scary, but amazing. bless the brave firemen.

my dad called it my biggest birthday candle ever. how apt.

in all honesty, i really didnt feel the need to celebrate my birthday this year at all, because of what a bad year it had turned out to be. it was kind of dreadful. and yet somehow, i received more surprises than what i did a year ago.

thank you to everyone for the wishes, the surprise cakes and the presents. i really appreciated them.

it was sweet.

yes, do not panic. that box on the right there, is a Bimbo Kit. uh-huh. anna's decided that it's time for me to become a full-fledged bimbo. must be The Hills, but that was possibly one of the most out-of-the-blue, unique and creative gifts i've ever received. we are so blood-related, i tell you. :)

and now i shall put the running shoes that my brother and cousin got me to work, because honestly, three cakes in 24 hours is killing me softly. hah.


sh said...


i must say it was the best gift i've done ever. HAHA. hopefully my creative juices will continue flowing. hahahahha.


cosmicdust said...

wow! fire and then a birthday! and gifts too :)

anyway, HAPPY B'DAY and MERRY X'MASS...


Seige said...

anna> let it flow, let it flow, let it flow!

thanks babe. :)

cine> thank you! :)

Willow said...

Happy belated birthday!!!

shoot, i missed two birthdays in a row. must make it a point to mark em' days...