Monday, September 29, 2008

mother says the darndest things 2

a conversation over mrs kim's stagnant weekday dinner that she makes for herself.

me: you always end up eating the same thing. rice and vegetables. just try something new! what are you, from the kampung?

(although thinking about it now, that did make sense because technically, she was.)

mom: you know i cant keep up with the times. even if you ask me to go to places like Coffeebucks to drink coffee, i wouldnt know how to order and all that.

me: of course you wouldnt know. you didnt even get the name right.

**Warning: a high dosage of laughter is expected when you live with the mother.

the mother is unintentionally deadly.


sh said...




cosmicdust said...


boy, this kinda brightened my day...for some reason.

i, darn, i miss my mom now...

bro_firdaus said...

i think i love your mom. i want to kiss her.

Seige said...

sh> she's just a comical character.

cine> aww man i didnt mean for you to feel that way. but i'm glad it did brighten up your day for a bit. :)

fir> i love her too. but i think you should really kiss madonna instead.