Tuesday, June 21, 2005


i dont know where to start. alot of things to be done recently and i cant help but wonder how much longer i can take this shit. i dont know.

i feel like there's so many things going on and i'm struggling to catch up. i dont seem to be that far behind, and yet i feel like there's a long road in front of me and people are all the way at the other end. there's no car for me. no bicycle. just my two feet. the subjects are getting harder to understand and the more we learn, the further i am behind...

and then the groupwork. there are four of us in a group for the IFCPROJ. Four. but it wasnt until i really sat down and thought about it, that i kinda realised that...i'm doing most of the work? it started off with me just copying down some pointers the teacher gave us. and then my leader started telling me to copy down everything. but that's alright. i mean, i could be the "copier" right? but then last week when our teacher reminded us to get ready our group file that would be inspected, she told me, "swee hoon, today must go buy the file. then go print out the stuffs. can find in the ole website k?"

does that mean....i'm supposed to do it? so i looked for the company, copied down everything, and have to get the file ready? ok, it might seem as though it's just these few things and not much of a big deal. but here's the thing. we're not even officially started on our project. and i'm doing everything already. yeah, this is everything for now. One's telling me to do all these stuffs, and the other two's not that involved yet. so y do i feel like i'm starting to stress out over this already? i mean, they're all my closest friends in class. am i being taken for granted, or am i just plain paranoid?

and then there's the other project on hand where we had to work in pairs. nothing wrong with my partner. except, he doesnt really like to talk much. so i dont know what he wants. every reply he gave me was," *shrugs* anything lor. u decide." and we hardly talk. i have to keep asking the questions if i ever want to get anything out of him. i'm tired.

recently, people around me started telling me that i look stressed these days. this is wrong. i'm not supposed to be like this. i was never this way. before, whenever i knew that i had alot of things to do, i could usually just give a "heck care" attitude to it and be like, "tomorrow's problems, tomorrow's worries." but now, when i think of all the work that have to done next week, it worries me. it just keeps on adding to my worries. i just keep thinking about it.








i dont know what's wrong with me. i want to talk about it, but at the same time... i dont. i just want to be alone. (i am so heading to the airport on friday)



sh said...

tell me if you wanna watch the nintendo acapella thing again :p

*biiiig bear hug*

sweetie, remind yourself, you're not the only one new to this course. you may be feeling as paranoid as some people in the class. you're just unaware of it. and i don't know about you, but the thought of other people being as paranoid as i am comforts me. it's just.. i'm not alone. that sorta thing?

regarding your group, i'm not so sure. perhaps when it officially begins, keep track of the task distribution. if it's bad, tell them that you've already done this this this and that, and you've a lot to do as well. ask someone else in the group to help. or just tell the leader that you've still got quite a fair bit to be done and you're wondering if a certain task can be allocated to someone else instead.

and they may be your closest friends at the moment. but whether they're worthy of being your closest friends is another matter. if they're not, then hell. i'm sure there're better friends around. it's only been the first few weeks of school, dear. you still have a lot of time to mingle around. don't worry so much about blending in and making lifetime friends. you WILL find them, i assure you that.

and your pair, i know how irksome it is when someone just says, 'anything', 'anything's fine with me', 'you decide'. if it gets on too much, for once, just tell him, "i've been making all the decisions, can you for once just decide on something (goddammit!)" brackets is optional. :p

and you're being very responsible for such thoughts darling. don't you worry. i'm always here for a big bear hug k? after block cas, we'll invade airport together. :) take a breather, unwind. don't stress yourself!

Darcho said...

heY giRLfreN~ reAd thRu laSt wk n ytD's bLog.. hmmm.. kiNda c u oSo liKE me sTresS up eH... tInk wE 2 reaLLy goTTa a lOT of sTrEss siNce e sTaRT of pOly life yeAH~.. iTs jus sUxz riTe..

aS reGardIng uR gRp riTe...itS beTa u sAe oUT to dEm nIcelY raTher u sUffer nOw lo... (tHo i m liKe u by woRrying tis n tt boUt pRoj, whEn i tiNk thrU aGn, hey! itS grpWork man.. y itS like only i woRry n doiNG resEarch n waT-so-ever.. sO i teLL e guYs in my grp to do suM lo n i mkE deM wAnna hv e tIme to diScuSs boUt it..)... jus 1 ting to shaRe boUt my liFe toO la.. yeAH~.. duN so sTress can girL? u're sTrong woMan yeah~ no! is WE... lol...

n i aGree tO ur coUSin boUT ur paiR woRk guY.. haHA.. woRKing in paiR n y r u e 1 whu is kEep on makIng decisiOn????

aniWae,.. trY to meeT u uP wiF jun bE4 she go tO aUzziE yeah~ she leaving on 7 june till 22 june.. ttS lonG~ n her bdaE she is in auZzie.. maEb we celebraTe afTer she cum baCk to sIng. yeah~ n wE caN de-streSS one another hopefuLLY... hAHAHA...

tke care girl n love u alWaeZ..frenZ foRever~

Seige said...

two very long comments.

actually my friends have started to just discuss about the stuffs TOGETHER now so i just hope it'll work.

and my partner..he's just goddamn shy i think. still, *prays*.

anna> airport's prob gonna be my hangout place from now on. haha. and yeah, nintendo accapella, one more time please? one day. lol

and i think they're well...pretty good friends. we'll see. :)

zhen> do u mean 7 july to 22 july? ah! we gotta meet up with her!! at least before she leaves in dec for good eh? and to you, hang in there!

sh said...

*grin* that's good that it's all starting TOGETHER.

your partner may be shy but sometimes decisions have to be made by him too. i mean go easy on him, but make sure he does stuff too. :)

and nintendo acapella anytime. just come by to pay your little cousin a little visit. lol.

whee i can SO fit the bill of being Aunt Aggy. write in with all your problems, fellas! :p

jean said...

i'm here too.... my grp mates are completely diff from urs, they jux wann do everything and completed asap. i'm sure they wun make u do everything alone. if they does, scold them!!

dun get so stress up although i do get stressed up too la. try to look for the tcher aft sch to clear ur doubts. u'll b fine!

tkcare always :))

YH Tan said...

<3333.. *hugs*.. hope it all works out after a while.. if ur grp is still like that or sth.... talk to them.. or even tell the teacher.. =).. jiayou ah!.. u can do it!.. go girl!=)

Seige said...

i am ok u guys! thanx!