Thursday, June 2, 2005


with regards to anna's post on wed, 1/6/2005 (go to link above, AGAIN), i'd just like to add on something else that has come to my attention and has terribly annoyed me.

the availibility of seats on the bus.

most singaporeans do this. sitting on the outer part of the seats when the inner part is empty. i dont have a problem with people doing that when there's lots of empty seats around. i mean, i do that sometimes too. But it's different when the bus is really crowded and there are people squeezing and trying to hold on to the bars or handles or whatever they can grab to stay balanced. and these people( meaning people sitting on the outer part when e inner is empty) just pretend to not sense what's going on and look out the window.

now that, pisses me off.

c'mon, it's not as if we have some fatal bacteria that will spread to them the moment there is any contact. there MIGHT NOT even be any. instead of being those selfish, inconsiderate people that they are (or will be the moment i start complaining), why cant they just move in and let someone else sit so that other standing people will have more space?are their butts really that heavy? are they?or do they have something against sitting on the inside because they're like, terribly allergic to inner bus seats and it's some rare disorder even doctors cant explain?

look, i get that sometimes they do that because it's only a few stops to theirs and they want to alight easily. nothing wrong with that. but at least come out a little so other people who WANT to sit can move in and take that place eh? dont pretend not to look at the crowd and look out the window. it doesnt work that way. seriously, havent u got the consideration at all?

on another note, school is killing me. i dont really get the stuffs anymore. like, stop this whole shit. i want nothing. and secondary-school-peer-relationship seems to be occurring. in a.. i really dont wanna talk about it.

one more day to the end of a school week. thank goodness. that is all that i can take..


sh said...

hiii singer/songwriter/composer. LOL

hahaha i totally second your thoughts. inconsiderate assholes.

oh well, hang in there. flaws are inevitable. look out for the better pts!

Seige said...

hanging. 2 weeks only and i'm complaining.

i'm slipping off the edge, i'm hanging by a thread..

sh said...

i wanna start this over again....
no i can't stand the pain...
no i can't make it go away
no i can't stand the pain...



Seige said...

*raises lighter*

sh said...

i start remembering how i cursed my phone for running out of batt, so i couldn't contribute to the 'lighted xmas tree' there. sniff

Seige said...

lol yea. i remember.

the scenerio was beautiful.. well except for ur cursed phone. BUT HEY, u got ur revenge. u have a new one now! lol