Sunday, April 16, 2006

A Well-Deserved break, indeed.

i know i have been having a break for a pretty long time, but i realised that anna was right. it's a well deserved one. i mean, after all, i have been stressing out during the last few terms of school and suffering under the pressure of the workload given, most of which, i had trouble understanding.

i deserved this break.

and i got it. going away made it better. 2 days away from singapore was refreshing, and good enough for me to completely relax myself. i was wonderfully relaxed. this time round, there wasn't any pressure to return home on time because i didnt have to go to school the next day.

and by relaxed, i meant truely relaxed. so relaxed until i allowed myself to pig out for 2 days. really. i indulged myself in heavenly meals for dinner and breakfast on thursday and friday respectively. buffets. yes, it's always been a guilty pleasure. there was no way that i was going to be there, and miss out on the sumptuous varieties in front of me. come on, who could resist that roast beef, grilled dory, kebabs, turkey ham...and all that jazz?

we ate well and engaged in silly little conversations about everything. and mostly, we made fun of my mom throughout the whole trip because everything she did or say was hilarious. she really cracked us up alot, and i think we did the same to her. also, she stepped into starbucks for the first time in her life. well done, momma! (wait till you hear what happened there. haha!)

although, being away from singapore for a couple of days made me appreciate some of singapore's systems. i guess sometimes, when you feel sick and tired of this place, it's good to get away for a while. and then you return home, and compared to some places, this truely is a safe and clean city. but of course, those 2 days were defintely worth it (excluding the traffic jam on our way back. STINKIN' JAM).

anyway, i've always wondered how my father knew the roads so well. it's one thing to know the roads in singapore, but it's another to know roads in other countries. he's driven in soooo many different places, it seems as though he has a street directory in his head. seriously. he's taken us to places behind old streets in malaysia, through country roads, and even through the rubber plantations once. places and roads that tour buses will never take you to. even in countries like new zealand and australia. plus, he's got driving skills of a daredevil(it scares me sometimes haha). my father always makes sure that we enjoy ourselves. that's one reason why i love holidaying with my family so much.

i think i'm lucky. because i dont feel the need or urge to disagree with things my parents tell me to do, stay away from them or feel embarrassed to be seen with them like some kids my age do(i'm sure they have their reasons). i guess, maybe, my parents and i have a mutual understanding for one another. they respect me as much as i respect them. like how they dont really give me restrictions sometimes, so i respect them by not pushing things to the limit. AND, i have to talk to my mom every night. i just cant shut it, and sometimes, i think she secretly wishes i'm like other kids who just dont talk to their parents. heh. not gonna happen anytime soon, mom!


sh said...

it's a good thing to talk to your mum, y'know. ;) when i become a mum, i'll make sure my kid and i are damn close, like we're best friends. :D

Marc said...

it's really great and uplifting reading how things are going so well with your family.

Seige said...

we're getting along quite finely. so yeah it's nice. hope it'll last forever.

and yeah when i become a mom, i'll make sure my kid feels good to tell me things. :)