Saturday, April 8, 2006

The TV Entry

so i last posted about that green thing. well, either it's gone, or it's hiding somewhere, attempting to come out sometime in early May. but it's not around for now, which is why i'm still intact(and sane), don't worry. :)

in fact, life has been so quiet recently. yes, i went out a few times, but it's still quiet. subtle. i mean, this isn't Wisteria Lane, and i'm not Joan of Arcadia or something, so there really isn't much drama happening around me (although, the block opposite's been having more drama than usual, but it's just Mediacorp drama). it's good though, not having drama in your life. the simpler it is, the better.

but i want to get away. even for just a while. for refreshments. besides, school's starting, whether i try to live in self-denial or not. "seige, you fool, you can run, but you can't hide." i feel like a Greek inside the Trojan horse, waiting impatiently to come out and conquer the country. a country. aaaannyytime now.

which is why, bye, bye, Troy, because the Greeks are coming! heh. i managed to ask my family to go to Malaysia for a day, just for a little break. we're gonna conquervisit Malaysia! more importantly, i can get out of here, even though it's just a day trip. at least it's before school starts. no wonder the Hulk's nowhere in sight.

people think that by not working, i wouldn't learn much at all. wrong. i've learnt so much these past few weeks. like how to juggle popcorn in the air while operating the remote control with my toes. or how to stuff 3 cookies into my mouth...get this,... at a time. :O I KNOW! ain't that amazing???


ok so maybe i didnt learn all that. truth is, i've learnt to grocery shop. i've learnt to choose fruits properly. in fact, i love grocery shopping at supermarkets. it's kinda nice. plus, i've got a huge obsession for fruits lately. which is why i've had to have a bowl of mixed fruits every night for the past few weeks. here's a tip: if you're like me, where you like munching things even if you're not hungry, get grapes. they're nice to munch, and really healthy too. i like my share of kiwis as well. quote Jamie Oliver: "Kiwis are like the Aston Martins or fruits. they've got the craziest kind of taste, but have the highest amount of vitamin c in them as well." ooh, aston martin.

i got a little involved in cooking as well, and watching cooking shows highly interests me(of course, they cant beat my love for makeover shows, heh). wait. grocery shopping? cooking? uh-oh. have i turned into a Stepford wife? if so, where's my under-achieving, insecure, not-so-charming husband then? HAH. right.

woah. how random is this post?


sh said...

*grin* while i don't think i'm up for grabs in terms of cooking and grocery shopping, i'm itching to bake! *ponder*

Seige said...

wanna make choco pudding with me? :)