Saturday, April 29, 2006

Word Play?

*suffering from writer's block*

uh, school's been alright, with the schedule being less packed this semester. of course, it's only the first week. come next week, everyone's probably going to start freaking out at hearing the words, "assignments", "projects" and " general election". *shudders*

i'm taking arts appreciation this term and i guess, taking this subject, you'd either love it or hate it. it's not going to be easy, but at least i know i like it for now. well, chances to express myself. there's no way i'm gonna miss out on that.

oh and i met marcus yesterday. apparently, we both weren't sure if it was either of us but we just waved at each other anyway. heh.

um... yes. writer's block.


sh said...

lol you met marc? ahahhaa. funny.

and sure sounds like you've got a writer's block. :p anyways GE is definitely one to shudder at!

jean said...

my friends say AA is fun because there are no exams!! and they have fun activites like making a mask, putting up a skit etc. im sure u'll like it! because there's no exams, i might be taking it next sem hehe ;)

itsvon said...

hey my blog url changed to :)

Seige said...

anna> yeah i saw him at the mrt station. lol he said i had to blog this down.

jean> yeah it seems pretty fun to me now. let's just wait and see. :)

von> okay. changed the link. :)