Sunday, April 1, 2007

Move aside, Martha Stewart

how a person manages to stuff tons of clothes into a cupboard is questionable and the one person to ask for answers would be ME.

you see, this takes a little bit of skills but as long as you get the gist of it,it's not all that difficult.

step 1: i dont suggest you fold your tees perfectly because they crumple in the end anyway but if it makes you feel good looking at it in the beginning, by all means, make the perfect fold.

step 2: split the section into 2 columns so that you can put more tees in it.

step 3: put the less worn(or will never be worn) tees at the base. then stack those that are worn slightly more often on top of it. stack as many as possible. remember, put the ones that you will wear most often right on top.

by now, you will realise that the cupboard is getting a bit full.

step 4: dig. you heard me. press hard on the stacked up tees. dig for space like you've never dug before. grab the remaining tees one by one and slot it into the remaining space.

step 5: there're still a few more tees on the bed? no problem. grab the tees in pairs.

step 6: dump the tees into the space between the door and the 2 columns of tees in a fast and quick motion. remember to keep your hand on those tees.

step 7: remove your hand quickly and shut the cupboard door immediately. if the door pops out a little, slam it shut. whistle and walk away.

simple as that. it only takes 7 steps.

of course, this only works if your tees are old and huge and half of it once belonged to your brother while the other half are worn for sleeping. it also only works if your cupboard is a small cube the size of a tiny locker. i cant guarantee the same outcome otherwise.

on next month's issue, we'll deal with how to turn on the tv with your big toe...


sh said...

rofl. can i have a how-to-keep-the-table-neat edition?

Seige said...

okay. i'll teach you right now.

keep what you need, and everything else goes down the chute! :)