Monday, April 16, 2007

smile on. even if your life sucks. i mean, really.

i want to rant.

i want to rant about everything i've just heard at the S.I.P.(Student Internship ProgramStudent In Prison) talk today. i really want to.

i want to whine.

about everything that's been going on. about the non-progressive work that we've been producing. heck. i'll whine about school if i could. and i really want to.

but i think it's time i shut up and start getting jiggy with it.

life aint perfect, and it'll never be, so i should just face the facts and get on with it. and so should all of you!

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so smile, bitches! :)

i met my brother in school today. someone thought the way we greeted each other was funny. *cough*

on a side note, i'm finally done with Prison Break 2. awesome show. now i'll just have to wait for season 3. START FILMING, WENTWORTH. you know you want to.

speaking of which, i'll be officially doing time in prisonschool*cough* starting next week. how great. i cant wait to get my thumbprints scanned every morning. really! *grins like the dog*. *only, the dog meant it*

shit, what did i say about life not being perfect or something..but we should be getting..on..getting jiggy... baloney macaroni... what...?


sh said...


"A sensible man knows you can't please everybody. A wise man knows you can't please anybody." -- Richard Needham



Seige said...

