Sunday, March 9, 2008

losers united.

Manchester United and i have something in common.

we both sucked at our games tonight.
them, soccer. me, scrabble.

having lost 1-0 to Portsmouth in a match just now, my dad, brother and i had to put up with my mom's sulking until she went to bed. yes, my mother watches soccer. no, she's not one of those women who watches or pretends to watch soccer to impress the guys(i mean really, who does she need to impress right?). she truly loves soccer as much as korean dramas. i'm talking forgoing activities that come her way on saturday and sunday nights to stay-in for a match on tv. mrs kim is an avid ManU fan. avid. so whenever ManU loses a match, she sulks. literally. for at least an hour. i'm not even kidding.

thanks alot for tonight, ManU.

now say hello to me. i lost tonight's scrabble game. wait, i always do. okay i suck at scrabble. period.

so i caught Avril Lavigne's gig on MTV Live just now, and i headed into my room and dug out a few items.

ah, the good ol' items from my AvrilPhase.

oh yes, i had an AvrilPhase. i was 14 and a huge fan. really. not just of Avril, but also of her then bassist, Mark Spicoluk. for other reasons. cough. but of course, like most artists, here is another one that conformed and sold out. way to go, "skater-chick". nuff' said.

alas, my air-tickets are finally booked for $1255. yes that is a crapload of money. my money. but it's finally booked. oh boy.

i'm going to australia. ohboy.

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