Sunday, April 13, 2008

this really should've been a two-parter.


the week's been unbelievably horrible. horrible.

it was monday morning and my room started to spin around me at a high speed. it felt as though i was sitting in one of those spinning tea-cups at carnivals. what made it worse was that the giddiness elevated everytime i tried to lie down. *beeeeeep* lying down actually made it worse. and then the pukes came. incessantly. bloody nuisance.

oddly enough, the family doctor whom i've been seeing for 18 years was on leave that day. it was the first time i've actually seen him on leave. 18 years of my life. yes, the odds. i stared at the needle the replacement doctor jabbed into my left deltoid. it felt good. a fetish for needles, maybe. i liked it.

now my deltoid however, is seemingly bruised. right now. i read somewhere that it's normal to get bruises after a jab because it probably went through a blood capillary or something. but it sure looks diseased.

look, even my BCG's turned yellow.
i apologise for the disgusting image. sorry.

i felt better on wednesday afternoon but the bloody nuisance came back to haunt me by nightfall. it's like it went on a lunch and dinner break. if it was a thing, i would've murdered it. in cold blood.

and then i was late for my first day of work on thursday because the transport that my recruitment agency told me to wait for didnt even show up. turns out, they actually made me wait for a bus that has stopped transporting workers for aeons. when i tried to call the bus driver whose number the agent gave to me, it wasnt even in use anymore. great stuff there. great impression.

work. to put it simply, i hate my temp job. dont get me wrong. my colleagues are pretty nice and friendly people. yes, that i dare say. but i think they all innocently thought that i was actually an accountancy diploma holder or something because i've been tossed real accountancy and more.

look, if there's one thing that they should know, POA was that one subject that i scored a D7 for during my 'O' levels. which was why i swore never to do accounting ever again.

i really should've been interviewed.

2.5 months more to go. i'm really, honestly, truthfully, un-exaggeratingly dreading monday. this is SIP all over again. damn it. what i'm really looking forward to is JULY. but what's really getting on my nerves is this fever that i'm dealing with right now. my voice is gone and my nose is wearing Adidas. impossible is nothing, huh? bloody nuisance.

ok tonight, i tried to play scrabble.

great letters.

i got rid of the "R" and the "O" and this is what i got in return.

i really must've offended someone who probably knows voodoo. look, i'm really sorry okay? whoever you are. really. please just stop. okay, how much do you want? a dollar? a googillion bucks?

oh look, it's sunday already.



sh said...

googillion! HAHAHA.

hey jimmy kimmel, i just wanna say i LOOOOOOOOOOOVE jay leno.


oh well, hang in there babeeee. maybe it'll get better once you get the hang of it :)

Marc said...

howdy pretty lady!

Seige said...

anna> :) i pray. thanks babe.

a googillion dollars has a "1" and a googillion "0"s. hahaha.

marc> OTH in one day. :)

Willow said...

hey seige,
just wanted to know how you were doin..i hope you feel better soon...real soon.
best wishes.

Seige said...

thanks babe! i'm much better. :)