Tuesday, April 29, 2008


i found something to love about my office.

the air-conditioner.

the weather these few days has been ridiculously hot. so hot, so humid, and so stuffy, it's almost suffocating. the temperature outside seems to be a wee bit cooler than inside the house, which basically stinks for me, knowing how much i hate going out. okay, my own problem.

a nice cone of Ben & Jerry's cookie dough would've done the trick, but free-scoop-day just had to be on a tuesday afternoon.

this was taken on last year's free-scoop-day.

this year, all i could have was this.

the image of it.

speaking of free stuffs, Coldplay released their new single, Violet Hill, off their album Viva La Vida or Death and all His Friends for free downloading on their website. one week only!

a new album would mean a new(tiny little) chance of them coming back down to singapore for a third concert. in fact, bring Travis along. have a reunion concert here all over again. do it, blokes. i'm there.

short fingers crossed.

TGILD this thursday.


sh said...

can't believe i figured out what TGILD stands for. i'm a genius. HAHA.

anyway i didnt get a free cone. the queue was LONG ASS. went to the supermarket to get a cornetto instead. LOL.

ah, nice times, last year! we beat the damn school crowd.

Seige said...

this proves that you have to be queueing with ME for it to work. haha.


oh well. tomato, to-ma-to. potato, po-ta-to. i scream, you scream, we all scream ICE CREAM!