Wednesday, January 26, 2005


It's no longer just a place for education.It's more than that.

It's a place to compete, a place to battle one's friendship, to compete for popularity, to make friends, to lose friends, to see good and bad people, to watch one change, to be the smartest, and the weakest, to be laughed at, to be adored, to make enemies, to love and hate teachers, to meet friends to sneak out of school, to bitch behind other people's back, to hang out, to fall in love, to fall out of love, to have fun, to ruin teenage life.

Generally, it's a place to educate young people. Generally.

Let's talk about popularity. In America, being UN-popular (or a Loser as to what u'll be labelled as) in high school might just leave behind scars for life. such a sad scene.

And then, Swee Hoon gets bored of that whole school composition thingy and stops boring people.

SO ANYWAY, i watched America's Next Top Model 3 on malaysian channel just now and boy were there drama. This glass throwing part, like WOAH.. and i know i'm gonna be a spoiler or something, but one of the girls is legally blind! it was so sad when she revealed it to the other girls..everyone was crying and she was like," Please dont cry...i've learned to get use to this for 10 years.." and she has a son whose nearly 2...she has beautiful, like translucent-bluish green eyes. very nice. a pity she's going's so sad...

Quote: "i'm a big insane teddy bear."-Jack Black


sh said...

i think you should go on with the school composition! *meek smile*

im sick of school. im bored of school. no wait. im sick of singapore's education system. hola. i need a change of environment. can we go find lucas or something? :p

Seige said...

LOL Lucas? He's in Charleston leh.. OR how abt Seth too... and Anna.. and...LUKE! lol... realised i was dayreaming while writing the school stuff so..TADA!