Monday, June 27, 2005

ok i just blogged a whole chunk of rubbish on what i did on friday but the damned comp chose to hang, so that whole chunk of rubbish's gone. let's just say, i was at ease on friday, having some alone time to gather some thoughts.

and yes, i failed my very first java test. no surprise to that.


ja said...

hey..thanks for your comment..and well slowly girl..u can do just takes time..good luck in whatever you do :P

sh said...

computer iliterate on her first shot at a java test. babe it can't get any worse, at least. you know the only way left is up. :)

and i was surprised you didn't blog bout your airport trip. now i know :p

extremeeely curious. are you ever planning to ask me what happened on wed when i was out? lol

Seige said...

ja> 'luck to u too!

annz> yea babe, up. but can it go up? i didnt get a zero tho. heh. 3 marks to pass. but that doesnt mean i'm proud of it.. just better than what i expected. heh.

n erm.. actually i kinda forgot that u went out on wed. lol. do u want me to ask u? 's up to u. :P

sh said...

3 marks to pass. that's not to bad!! :) better than expected's always good.

*ponder* i'll either talk to you online about it, or write you an email/postcard. lol