Saturday, September 24, 2005

Cinemas no more...for now.

i've just made a discovery. i've just realised that i've lost interest in going to the cinemas for movies. i have no idea why, but it could be due to the fact that i've not been there for a long time. for a while i missed it, but suddenly, i'm just not so interested..anymore(that's supposed to be read with your voice 'sloping up'). hmmm.

and then i realised how much money i've saved by not watching movies at cinemas. thiiissssssss muuuuccccchhh. wow that's quite alot.

so i just spent them all on food.

ok kidding. i didnt spend allll of it. right. heh. so i'm at the point where i think i'm just gonna wait for the shows to be screened on tv...which will probably be years from now. or maybe nothing really attracts me THIS MUCH recently? possible.

dont get me wrong though. i still love movies. :D


sh said...

on the OTHER hand, im spending like crazy on movies. :P

Seige said...

yeah. like, waaay over on the other hand. lol