Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Who Am I?

Donnie Darko
You're Donnie from Donnie Darko. You're kinda
creepy. You have issues and you talk to this
bunny Frank who says the world is going to end.
You might have a lot of anger inside of you,
but please, do not burn down any house.

Which Movie Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

ok. i know who jake gyllenhaal is, but donnie darko? i have no clue. 1/3 of this is true. friends...BEWARE. (Anna, see what i mean? i swear i didnt cheat! lol.)

Pentagram tattoo(Note: this symbol is NOT satanic... It is the sign
of Venus. It means beauty SO BE HAPPY!)

What tattoo would you have?
brought to you by Quizilla

figured i'm never gonna get a tattoo anyway, so just checked this quiz out. and that's a pretty cool tattoo, i might add. although that redness around the arms? brrrr.


sh said...

You're Laney from She's All That. You're not very confident and you don't have a lot of friends. Stay away from people who would want to abuse you, because they always hurt your feelings.


and i got the pentagram one too. why does it look like it's burning on the person's skin eh? :p

Seige said...

yeah, looks like some kind of skin irritation. -shivers-