Saturday, July 1, 2006

Bewitched, Bothered, and Boston

i mentioned that i was bothered in the previous entry. there is a problem, and i dont think it's going away anytime soon. but i'm not going to think about it for now. i'm not going to let it affect me.

i appreciate the concern of some of my pals but...i just cant really talk about it. i'm sorry but i've always been a pretty private person when it comes to my problems. and i dont mean problems like failing a test or something but problems. big, tough, real ones.

it's uncomfortable for me to talk to someone even if it's someone real close. i just really keep lots of things to myself. things that i find hard to share. so forgive me if i'm not talking.

here's the irony though. i really want to talk about it, but because i dont feel right doing so, it works for me by writing it out. i express better this way. but this issue's too personal. and i'm a private bitch. so i'm just going to feel tortured inside for this whole period. oh wait. i said i wasnt going to think about it so that i wont feel affected. that's right. i'm not going to freaking think about this unfair piece of crap.

not to worry, because when i really, really do need to talk, i talk to my bolster. it's true. my best mate at night. i mean, it cant talk back, and that makes it a really good listener. besides, i'm a psychotic private bitch so this makes perfect sense doesnt it? (talked to my slippers, wrote a letter to my tv..)

oh yes, i finally own Augustana's album. turns out it was sold $10 cheaper at Gramophone! 10 dollars! i'm so glad anna spotted it. now that, makes me happy.

yes. i think i'll go to Boston.


ja said...

weeee.bolstery post!

sh said...

here's what to do. you name your problem after a name and write about the tortures of that name. like for example you name it after like err zach or something, (nice name) then you write in relation to how bad you feel about the torture of the problem, but with his name in place of it. get it? :D

maybe that'll help, so you still get to write about it but you don't let others invade your privacy :)

Seige said...

or i could always talk to my bolster. :)

thanks babe.

ja said...

hmm..dont feel bothered!
you got me! hahahaha...ok not funny..

Seige said...

thanks dude. :)

ja said...

you're welcome!
i definitely have time for swee hoon! :D

Darcho said...

ger... hope u're fine.. =) tke care alwaes n rmb i m here to let u throw tings ya.. =)