Monday, April 25, 2005

i just love Queer Eye For A Straight Guy. No, i didnt just rename the dating show Eye For A Guy. It's totally different. For one, it's US based. this show is funny, entertaining, interesting(in a "ooh..interesting" way) and best of all, it's gay.

I'm not insulting the show. In fact, the casts of the show self admitted to be gays on search for straight guys. No kidding. Sounds interesting? read on.

if u thought that this show was abt gays trying to look for partners? sorry to disappoint you, it's not. :) well it's actually about this 5 guys who at every episode, go to a "straight" guy's house and gets him ready for whatever BIG things he has on for the night.(eg. a party with girls coming over, impressing his boss or something.). So 1 guy's for grooming(how u should shave), one for styling(what u should wear), one for food and wine(what u should cook and can cook), one for interior design(to transform the pig sty into a chatteau) and one for culture(for erm.. well.. culture). lol.

so this is an all-guy show. it's all about guys. But i think more ladies watch it. because there're just soo many tips to learn, and best of all, the 5 guys(they call themselves the Fab 5) make u feel like, u've found ur best friends! lol. They basically transform BIG, TOUGH , ROUGH (and sometimes egoistic) guys into guys who're sentimental, stylish, clean, and cool. i dont know if u'll call that a good or a bad thing now, lol, but what attracts me is that guys get to have a different side too!! and it's really nice to see some guys really taking the effort to groom themselves before the event. i still say this... it's an all-guy show but it's such a lady friendly show.

i wish the Fab 5 could be my best friends. lol. they'll be like, my "sisters" i'm telling ya. Well actually, they're not GAY. they're just girlie.(but they admit so). courage man. the groomer and the cook arent that girlie anyway. it's just really the stylist who could really be my sister. he sashays when he walks, and demanded a kis from the straight guy at one episode. On the cheek that is. lol and the surprising thing was, it didnt even send chills down my spine. i just felt like it was a guy pecking a girl on the cheeks. CAN U IMAGINE THAT NOW? lol. love it.

now dont bother bugging me and asking me which channel it is on, because it's on the m'sian channel. hah. but u can always try tuning it if u want. or maybe mediacorp will show it one day.

if u werent so much interested in all that crap i just wrote, hah, i'm sorry u had to scroll past those. here's a few things abt my weekend. had a great one, because something really good happened that sent my parents grinning from ear to ear. and as for me? hey i benefitted to.*grins* i can't tell u. so dont ask.

anyway, we went to the supermarket yesterday and my parents did a "heineken" advert thingy. my mom was trying to reach for something on top of the shelf, and my dad came, took it down, stared at my mom, hugged the thing and walked away. hilarious i tell you.

okay i'm tired and head's bursting.

i'm so addicted to mocha right now. Random.


sh said...

imagine me and you and you and me, no matter how we tossed the dice, it's meant to be, the only thing bout me and you and you and me, so happy togetherrrrrrrrrrr

Seige said...

*smacks self in the head*

i HAD to be ur cousin

sh said...

yeah you did. queer eye for a straight guy. HAHAHHAHA the minute i thought of 'eye for a guy', i read the next statement. *growl*

Seige said...

lol. yes, it's for people like you. *smiles*

thinks: 16 yrs. 16 yrs. how did i do that? *amazed*