Wednesday, April 20, 2005

New Job old work?

working in the office aint that bad. it aint as boring as u think it will be.

well that's because u dont have time to be bored.

there was so much to be done. to start off, replacing stocks. getting them ready. looking for boxes. garh i hate that. climbing the ladder to take them down. so many boxes! but it's ok. cos i did my own little "map" of where the stocks were and which row it was, and which level and blah. :)

Filing. i have to say that as much as i hated filing worksheets for school in the past, i really didnt mind filing it today. i don't know why, but somehow it seemed different. plus, i get my own table. that's cool. (altho the comp doesnt log on to the internet =X ) loads of filing had to be done.

Faxing, photocopying, answering phone calls.Posting letters. Running errands. Stapling letters and putting them in their own groups.

i was getting all nerdy when i suddenly saw this letter that had my mom's name on it. and the letter behind, and the letter behind, and the one behind..and.. Oh. that was the filing that SHE did in 2000. and i'm re-filing it. i got more alive. hey, i was doing something my mom did! :)

and what makes this better than the last job i had?
i could break anytime i want. *smiles*

tiring as it is, but i could get use to this.


jean said...

lol.sounds fun.. seems like this current job is better than CV huh?

ANY job would b better than CV.. OPPS...!!! i'm still working there! LOL ;)


sh said...

hahahaha that computer was UGH. only used its microsoft word (and solitaire, you already know that). and excel. borrrring. i dont like what i did there :p but sounds like you have much more to do!

i liked calling though. she made me call this jap person and i was nervous but cheryl (ha) was saying, whatever it is, your english can't be worse than hers. haahaahaaa

do remind her occasionally that we did help her stock count? *GRIN* i want $! lol k im mean.

Seige said...

ann> yes my dear! i want the money too! lol! and i'm sure our brothers want them too. altho they did pretend that they were doing it just to help her and not for the rmb?

ur bro(to my bro): nah it's ok. no need lah. we're doing this..just for you.


jean> it feels better lah. maybe to you CV might be better. cos office, u cant see much outside. it's just all other offices. but it's different. and it depends.

But minutes past faster there! lol. u know what i mean. minutes could seem like hours at CV when there's no customers. hah. oh wait. and WHEN THERE ARE. ;p

jean said...

wow nice skin!

A pEaCeFuL LiFe ____*// said...

working in a office i s quite busy ehh?? haha...i also busy now...but still try to find time to hang out with u guys....but guess u all r all so busy...busier than me...hmm...i jus shifted my office todae...long dae...tmr is friday...lalala...means...time to play pool....hehe

sh said...

haahahaha. my innocent little eyes! my! such bad corruption. i didn't hear that. :p

the other day at 2nd uncle's place
bro (to me, but wanted to be to cheryl): heeey. did i forget something? no wait, YOU did. *innocent look*

Seige said...

thanks jean! anna helped me with it.

pris, u're a pool addict. and this is not the 1st time i'm saying it. lol

ann> yes! ur bro said that to my bro lol. they were laughing abt it. cheque!*grins*

sh said...

yes yes, you're welcome. :p

hahahahha. you need to treat me to dim sum!!! i swear!! :p

Seige said...

what's up with everyone and dim sums?! do u guys know the news said that too much hong kong food like this might be cancerous??

lol and i'm serious.

sh said...

*insulted* what's up with EVERYONE and dimsums?


and yes yes i heard about it. my bro & i were devastated!

Seige said...

i know u always do.


lol. cant i like, treat u too abalone or shark's fins or something?! y does it have to be dimsums???