Friday, April 29, 2005

ah yes. god answered my prayers. i woke up yesterday, and the pain, GONE! and he gave me an extra too. i got out of my room, and VOILA, RAIN! it actually rained!! all that grumpiness just left my body immediately when i saw those lovely drops of water from the sky. mmm..

work was alright. at least i could use the computer.. to um, draw stuffs(i told you there was no internet!) on "Paint". beats doing crossword puzzles that i've been doing for the past few days.hee.

met jean after work to buy stuffs at TM. now read this. she parked her bicycle at the stands in between tampines branch office and the interchange, and i saw her locking it. so an hr later..

me:" so where's your bike?(i didnt recognise her bike among all others)"
jean: " erm, yea. where's my bike?"

her bike got stolen! I cant believe someone could actually cut through the locks and steal a bike in front of so many people in broad daylight. gee. and the police here? not very efficient. took like an hr to get to the the interchange. An hour! unless they came from jurong, an hour is.. way too long. if i got stabbed, i'd have died. sheesh.

anyhow, i think i'm getting too used to life without school. it's gonna be exactly 6 months of break on May 23rd(school opens on 24th) since the 1st day of the hols. which is why while everyone else worked for the past 5 months and are taking their break now for the final month, i'm actually working for the final month. well, it's not that i wanted to, but now that i am, it actually gets me a bit ready for school i guess.for one, the waking up bit. at least i think i can make it to school on time now that i can wake up earlier than 11. heh. i think. the bus i take to work every morning passes Temasek Poly and everyday i'll be counting down to the day where i will actually be getting off at that stop.

time passes so quickly when u're slacking.


jean said...

my xiao huang....... gone.

cant believe it man. and police are so lousy... if u get robbed, i tink call me better than call police.(of cos dun hope u get robbed lah) i tink i'll get there faster. it's not like they walked there! they have a car!!

poor xiao huang....

Seige said...

i know. they had a "vroom vroom" car.


sh said...

think i told jean this before, but i think it'd be slightly more prompt if you guys had popped by a police post to make that report instead. moreover they've got everything there for you to take down, and if required they'll drive you to that spot to have it checked :)

but nevermind that, since it's over. *hugs jean* i don't know what to say cos my dad was pissed when his bike was stolen too. (locked outside our bloody house, for god's sake. now, our shoes could very well be the next target *rolls eyes*)