Friday, April 8, 2005

*WARNING*: if u have a political point of view, please do not read the following entry.

i think the whole c-j(they're country names) issue is a plain waste of time.

yes, if u guys hate each other, stay out of each other's way. don't do anything related to each other. back off each other's property and business. yes u have your differences, and i'm in no position to say who's right and who's wrong. what happened in the past, happened. u cant change history. but if u think by protesting and fighting with each other would help u gain back what u lost in the past(eg. dignity, pride), u're wrong. OK, maybe u will. but it'll also seem that another war will be inevitable. and then other countries will be dragged into e war too, and fathers, sons, brothers and husbands will all have to go to war. even tho that country didnt start it. and then women will lose their men and... OK NOW, WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT? Forgive me, i think too much.heh.

in other words, what i'm trying to say is,


Why create one now when u took so much pain and time to end the last?

Now, i know many of u might think,"what the hell is this girl talking about?? there's no war brewing or going on!". but i'm just saying, certain unhappiness here and there might force one to happen. it can be prevented by us, but it can also be created by us.

i think it's time these Miss Universes and Miss Worlds come out to do something.


u go girls!


sh said...

'harsher punishments.....'

you go sandra bullock! lol

anyhow, from our point of view, to put it very simply. they're just stupid and retarded.

funny eh? people with huge posts (eg ministers / presidents) don't think the way we do, though it's only smart to realise it's stupid. the irony.

Seige said...

i mean, for god's sake, if u're so free, fly to phuket and help rebuild the homes of e tsunami victims or something.

it's not their(the activists) fault that they're angry or upset abt those stuffs happening,but hey, a little peace is not to much to ask for!

god, i'm so anti-politics, and yet, politically involved at the same time. lol