Monday, May 16, 2005


*clears throat* ladies and gentlemen, i am officially invited to my cousin's wedding banquet.

my aunt came up yesterday and gave us the cake and the invitation card. *beams* i know it might seem like this is just another wedding banquet, and there's no reason for me to get all excited. but well, it's been years since i last attended one's fun to attend one again.

and now, get ready as i announce the cold, hard, truth about me that might shock everyone out there who knows me. (Viewer Discretion advised.)
another reason why i'm excited about the wedding is because...

I cant wait to dress up.

okok, u're allowed to scream and run around the room in pure madness.

but once you've settled down, believe it. it's true. here's just something i'd like to clarify with everyone. People, i DO WEAR SKIRTS, ok? i might not wear them when i'm out shopping or whatsoever but that's because i just dont think they're very comfortable for doing all that. BUT i DO wear them at special functions. SO please dont make a big HOOHAA when u see me in them. really, what's the big deal?*raises eyebrow* every girl loves to dress up, and that includes me. it's just that sometimes i cant really be bothered so, u see me as who i am. but there are times when i do dress up so stop freaking out!

i'm just not at the making-up stage yet. heh. but when i do(which will probably be years from now *runs away from anna*), dont make a big deal out of it. Your calm composure and non exaggerated reaction is kindly appreciated. :)

random: tmr's my last day of work! muaha.


sh said...

i shall settle you down and do you a makeover. like literally. make.up. *HOPHOPHOP* can't waittttttt

Seige said...

no! i will not put on make up! it ruins my face. like, pimples will pop up.

u can always try, but not for long.

sh said...

RAH. :p you gotta wash your face with... ZA cleansing foam, first. :p then put moisturizer THEN put foundation. after all makeup, wash away with the cleansing foam again. TADAH. the trick to pimple-free makeup! *bows*

Seige said...

*runs away*