Monday, January 7, 2008

the best feeling in the world.

ever had that kind of flu where your nose is all blocked and everytime you think you're going to sneeze, nothing comes out and it makes you feel all miserable inside? well, i'm sneezing like crazy and let me just say that it feels awesome.

i'm looking at the date and it says the 7th of january. which means, 21 more days to my friend's arrival from australia. nooo way. only 21 more!

i cant tell you how excited i am. i just havent seen that girl (that i've known since i was 13) since she left in february of 2006 so really, it's been a long time. almost 2 years. oh boy. i cant wait.

lunar new year(exactly a month away). what a great time to come. wait. she hates it, i think. oh well but i dont, so hoorah for me. heh. ...although, she'll only be here for 3 weeks before returning. damn. but on second thought, i'll probably be going over after i graduate in april(hopefully) so it's okay. i think. hope. um. well.

she promised to do something to my school. *crosses fingers* i hope she keeps it.

so yes, to be able to sneeze is awesome. :)
everytime i sneeze, i feel the love.
it's the best feeling in the world. and yes, it comes before eating chocolates.

ok. time to pop some pills.

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