Friday, January 25, 2008

NO ma'am!

i wanted to talk about something more happy like my friend who's arriving in 3 days. but then this came up.

you'll probably think i'm over-reacting. but anyway.

so yesterday, we met our SIP supervisor(ex) in the canteen and he told us that he needed 3 volunteers from the groups who were under him to perform at this year's Chingay parade.

i know, you're probably going, "huh? Chingay?"
yes, that was exactly what i thought.

what people dancing in weird, bright, neon-coloured, striking costumes down Orchard Road in post-cny spirit, has in relation to creating a mobile phone application that streams security videos, i really dont know.

anyway. because no one had volunteered to perform, he decided to randomly nominate 3 candidates to go, himself. and yes, me. picked. unluckily. unfortunately. unexcitedly. ridiculously. nonsensically.

here are a few out of the many reasons why i shouldnt be wasting my time:

1. the rehearsal for the parade to the parade itself takes place from the 11th to the 15th of february. what do we get in return for the sacrifice? CCA points. oh golly. those wonderful CCA points! not. CCA points dont represent much, in case he hasnt figured that out.

2. i have 2 presentations and projects to hand up on that very week itself because it's the final week before the preparation of my final(and i do mean FINAL) exams. and these 2 projects carry high percentages in our final results. let's see. important academic scores vs notasimportant cca points. need i say more?

3. my friend who's coming back after almost 2 years will be returning to australia on the 17th or 18th of february, and if i dont get to hang out with her, i'll probably have to wait for a long time before i get to do so again.

4. Chingay's meant for me to watch on tv. not to perform. 'nuff said.

whose smart idea it was to get graduating students to go perform in a post-cny parade, a week before their final(literally) examinations, i dont know. to sacrifice getting last-minute, important notes from lecturers just because the world needs to watch a masked duck in motion. hah.

if you ask me, i'm guessing the teachers probably drew straws to decide whose students(because i'm sure none of them really gives a damn about Chingay) to go and mine drew the shortest straw. tough luck.

oh well. as far as i'm concern, i'm not going. and i dont really think it'll be appropriate to fail a graduating student due to her unwillingness to participate in a parade because of her concern for her final semestral examinations. snap. snap. snap.

still think i'm over-reacting? :)

b.scott will not back down.

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