Sunday, August 28, 2005


i've been tagged by anna.well, i asked to be anyway. so here it goes.

Seven things you plan to do before you die!!
1. travel around the world.
2. bungee jump.
3. parasail.
4. gorge on chocolates.
5. fall in love
6. form a band
7. tell my family i love them.

Seven things you can do!!
1. be a biach.
2. joke.
3. fail my exams.
4. a cartwheel.
5. watch tv all day long.
6. pretend to be a superstar.
7. speak in different accents, my way.

Seven things you can't do!!!
1. be without my family.
2. be without a tv.
3. study.
4. a back flip.
5. act cute.
6. be a real superstar.
7. speak italian.

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex!!
1. eyes.
2. smile.
3. character.
4. humour.
5. clean.( meaning he doesnt take drugs and stuffs)
6. dressing.
7. hair.(short!)

Seven things you say most!!!
1. uh-huh
2. dude
3. is it?
4. woah.
5. god!
6. gee
7. *beep*

Seven celebrity crushes!!!
1. Kevin Zegers (major.)
2. Rodrigo Santoro (
3. Josh Hartnett (awwww..)
4. Ashton Kutcher (who else is new?)
5. Bryan Greenberg (i'm such a school girl.)
6. Freddie Prinze Jr (what? stop laughing.)
7. Chris O'donnell (oh bachelor. )

there u have it. anyway, has anyone noticed that my entries always happen to be on mondays, wednesdays, fridays and sundays? i know i just did.

okay, that's just plain randomness.

and bless the broken road, i'm still sick. damn.


sh said...

bah i just KNEW you'd have a proper list of celebrity crushes. while i was digging for mine. thomas sangster's still my celebrity crush anyhow. i wonder if he's younger than i am....

umm anyways, oh yea a thing i plan to do before i die. fall in love, get married, make a family. and get a permanent job i absolutely love and pays pretty well. haha. so i'm no family-wife.

and i forgot to add 'humour' to the things that attract me to males. DARN.

and nope didnt notice when you blog. :p mine's quite irregular. or regular.

sh said...

oh i just found out. THOMAS SANGSTER IS A YEAR YOUNGER!!!! 1990 baby.

also can lah. haha. i can teach him the facts of life. ahhahaha. HI THOMAS!!

Seige said...

of course i had a PROPER LIST. u're talking abt ME u know. lol

family-wife. lol erm, u mean career mom?

thomas sangster's only a year younger? i always thought he was 13 or something. ah well. and u? teaching him the facts of life?

haha. haha. haha.